+44 (0)1209 316041 | sales@gravitymining.com
Direct contact with an expert
Our online configuration tool is free to use and will provide basic information about cyclone performance. We also offer a commitment free initial consultation with a member of our team where we can secure a better understanding of your particular requirements and provide initial feedback. Our objective is to provide the right solution for our customers.
Prediction of final system performance
We aim to demystify the black art of cyclone selection. Assay data is combined with empirical modelling tools to predict overall system recovery performance to create a concept proposal. Results are fed back in a simple and easy to understand format with a focus on the parameters that are important to your application.
Hydrocyclone Testing
Cyclone calculation tools can only go so far in predicting overall performance. Before committing to a full scale system we always recommend that lab scale test work is undertaken to confirm predicted performance.
We have our own in-house cyclone test system and laboratory facilities to determine system performance and recovery distributions. Where needed, have access to specialised assay and laser particle sizing facilities for more detailed analysis.